The average years of schooling in Indonesian is 7.6 years; this value is lower compared with expected average years of schooling from Government of Indonesia which is 13 years. The most impacted population of this condition is female population who gained in average 7 years of schooling; while male is 8.2 years (UNDP, 2015). The fact that most of the children in Indonesia ended their education level at junior high school level has create major concern in community. On the other hand, as the population continues to urbanize and globalization accelerates, a high school education will likely become a prerequisite to attain formal sector employment.
At the same time, poverty is still the main issue for development of the nation. 16.2% of population in Indonesia still lived below income poverty line (UNDP, 2015). This condition has influenced condition of health, education and living standards in the
community. Moreover, located in disaster prone area has made their condition worst and put them to the most fragile context. FKS Group through FKS Foundation has decided to be part of the solution by sharing organization resources to support talented children from poor family with opportunity to access qualified education through scholarship program; to build school model which will become centre of learning for other schools; and to enhance sharing knowledge through research and study.
As part of corporate care and social responsibility; FKS Group through FKS Foundation committed to support poor family, disable persons, orphans, homeless, and internally displaced people (IDP) with various programs that could increase their quality of lives. FKS Foundation support them in form of donation, safety net, education and health program.